The culture of the Aborigines

Projekte aus dem Unterricht der FOS/BOS Scheyern

Autoren: Jessika Eberl, Lisa Wunderlich, Martin Huhn

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400.000- 60.000 years ago the Aborigines settled in Australia from north to south.
They aren´t a united nation and exist as tribes with different languages and traditions. Before the Britons arrived, there were 400-700 different tribes of the Aborigines who were living mostly as hunters and collectors. These tribes have different languages, too. But all of them have a special relation to nature.

The Aborigines‘ culture is the oldest of the whole humanity. They have a population of less than one million. The Aboriginal culture varies throughout the continent and people from different regions have different traditions. So the tribes in the north have types of art and religions which are different from the ones of the Aborigines in the south-east. They all live in absolute harmony with nature.

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Even the best-known natural phenomenon of Australia, Ayers Rock, is rooted in the culture of the Aborigines. For approximately 20.000 years the tribe Anangu has been living there and they called the rock Uluru. This rock is a really holy place for them. In the history of the Aborigines (the dreamtime) the Uluru was the scene of an armed conflict and it also is the home of the mystical „rainbow-snake“ which is the most important creature of the Aborigines.

Since the arrival of the „whites“ the Aboriginal culture has evolved and changed further. Today most Aborigines live in reservations and in towns. But the government is interested in keeping away the Aborigines from  towns.