The green lung of our world in danger

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Projekte aus dem Unterricht der FOS/BOS Scheyern

Autoren: David Wöhrl, Stefan Hahn

The tropical rain forests are an important componant to save passable climate conditions on Earth. By absorbing climate-damaging  CO2-emissions and transforming them into oxygen which decreases the greenhouse effect, the rainforests significantly influence the global climate. Even if this isn‘t mentioned often, an area which is almost twice as big as the Saarland is cleared every year. In the last 40 years a surface twice as big as France was destroyed in Brasil. Forest clearance may go down as it does for example in Brasil according to official statements, but still about 5000 square kilometers are destroyed by illegal exploitation every year. The cause of the rainforest destruction is people‘s high consumption of wood, which is necessary for paper production, agriculture, infrastructure, furniture, floor coverings and so on.

Most trees are needed for the production of paper. On average every European consumes about 270 kilograms of paper every year.

Agriculture is also to be blamed for the destruction of the rainforests, because many trees are cut down because of the soy beans, which are a necessary ingredient of the food for animals.

However, everyone of us can do something to preserve the rainforests. Pay attention when you buy paper for example: Often there are signs which show you that this paper was made of wood from sustainable forestry.